Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Being Educated and Black i

So I was leaving my math class (that I am taking for the third time) and I see many black men and women with music blaring, and hats tipped to the side, baggy clothes and such leaving the school house along with me. Now this is something that happens every tuesday and thursday and something that I am use to since I have been around black men and women who value education.

This got me to thinking about the portrayal of blacks in the media. Whenever you watch shows about a black man or woman who has made it they are portrayed as a person who forgot where they came from, someone who has no idea what it's like to struggle because they are a pampered person of color who has the cushion of money to shield them from the ugly in life or the stuck up black person who looks down their noses at their own race.

I am not sure when it became ok to put ourselves down in this fashion but I despise the way not just black people but other people of color are portrayed in the media when they make it and are successful. I feel like these images are holding us back and also it is stopping America from moving passed the hurt of racism.

Now I am done with that

I watched the movie Baby on Board-Now I am usually ok with these types of movies but half way through I found myself wanting it to be over. The fact that they didnt talk about ANYTHING and kept just assuming that the other was doing wrong because their friends were having a hard time just made the movie feel low budget. Does anyone know if this movie was a tv movie? Heather Graham usually does these types of movies from jerry o'connell I am not sure actually why I expect so much from might be because of the crush I have had on him since that show My Secret Identity you know you remember that show! Over all the movie was not all that great I am sorry to say but If you must see it I suggest you do something entertaining at the same read a book, clip your toe nails.....brush your dogs teeth because all of those would be more fun then watching this movie again.

I also saw the nastiest pair of saggy balls in this movie EVER. Told my hubby if his ever get that saggy we are gonna have to get him a pair of ball bras.....