Sunday, May 31, 2009

Slacker that I am

So the title says it all. The slacker that I am I have not seen any new movies therefore have nothing to contribute to my own review segment of my blog I feel like a failure. Ok not really I have children the fact that I even get to type out this blog is a freaking miracle.

This week was filled with penis....what do I mean by that you ask? Well my oldest (who is three and awesome) discovered that there is in fact a difference between him and girls and it's that he has a penis and shockingly enough he has put two and two together and realized that mommy is in fact a "gril". So all week in the random places that he tags along with me too I have had to deal with a very LOUD three year old saying "MOMMY I HAVE A PENIS!" followed very closely behind this statement is " Lucas has a penis, Daddy has a penis, Ashley is a gril, Daisy is a gril, your a gril" The weird looks and snickering as we stroll down the aisle are almost unbearable. If I was not such a dark person you would have seen the blush creeping across my cheeks.

How did I respond to my awesomely funny three year old? I told him...that he was right and

kept moving. Really there is nothing I can do over reacting just causes a louder lil voice to cry because he thought his new found knowledge was going to be accepted and he would be called genius. Because for him he is the first person to ever figure this out.

I bribe my children...I am proud of it. Nathan refused to talk to his teachers he had no problem with them just did not want to talk. So I decided that since our talks about talking to his teachers had done nothing to help that perhaps I needed to take a new approach-the bribe, what I did was I told him that if he spoke to his teachers at school that he could play his DS when he got home from school before dinner (yes the three year old has a DS I gave him my old one when I got my new one). He was so excited he had picked out a Dora game several weeks before but due to bad behavior was not able to play it. It worked like a charm! Everyday he comes and tells me he speaks with his teacher and I mention less and less about him being able to play if he talks now we just talk about him talking and he understands that he needs to speak up. So *sticks out tongue* it does work lol.

Lucas my youngest threw his first temper tantrum in public at the age of 14 months. He acted like the biggest ass that ever lived and I just let him do it. I got nasty looks a mother walked passed with HER one year old and said to hers "see we dont act like THAT" and I replied "Thats right we save it for home!" He was tired and didnt know what he wanted. He didnt want to be held he didnt want to sit in the cart nothing was working out so I let him cry while I attempted to find shoes for my oldest to wear in German kindergarten. He banged his head on the ground threw himself on the floor kicked and screamed. All things I walk over him at home for and I did it when we were in public. If i scoop him up just because we are out then he knows he can act like this when we are out and get away with it. Made that mistake with my oldest wont make it again. As it turned out he calmed down and I did pick him up gave him kisses and told him I loved him.....sigh only for him to do it again while I was holding him

Dude longest shopping trip EVER!

Go here people for the twilight New Moon trailer it's hott!