Monday, May 11, 2009

Mondays are long

Well today was a long freaking day let me tell you. I think mostly it seemed very long because my youngest thinks he just HAS to wake up every two hours every night. Mommy does not get any sleep you say? Well of course I can help with that! I will cry and she will come and get me and then I will stay up and play constantly until she has to be up for work and then go back to sleep :) Can I stay upset with face? The answer is

So I have been trying to figure out if I am going to be a good teacher when I am done with school. I mean I love working with children but I hate working with the adults. I mean these people seriously get on my nerves. I dislike dealing with know it alls, rude asses and people who are more worried about getting to the end of the day than educating the children. I can not stand that.

I have been thinking about how down on Obama everyone seems to be getting. I keep wondering what the hell everyone thought he was going to be able to do in such a short period of time. It seems like he suppose to have a magic wand that he could wave and fix the economy. Will people stop acting like he got the magic stick?! He is human man! Shit I wish money did grow on trees because I would have a whole shit ton of trees planted....but then if there was a such thing as money growing on trees we probably wouldnt NEED to have it then. hmmm something to think about.

So I have also been thinking about movie critics and wondering if they actually know what they are talking about when they review movies because I think of myself as having a pretty wide taste in movies. I think I can review movies so I think from now on I will watch a movie no matter when it was made old, new it does not matter and review it. My humble opinion may not mean much to others but it will give me something to do lol. I will start tomorrow. Tonight I am going to bed all these thought I had today have made me tired.
