Thursday, May 14, 2009


So I am going to review the movie Taken. It was freaking awesome I loved it. But I gotta question the intelligence of the criminals. I mean if someonespoke to you that calm over the phone would you really take their kid? I know I wouldnt. I also like that this movie totally had a moral to it. Which was that you can NOT trust everyone when you travel. I mean you can't act like everyone is out to human traffick you accross the border to sell you to someone for a million dollars. I mean lets face it half of us dont look good enough to be sold for a million dollars.
I mean look at me I bet with my milk jugs and the baby hanging off the hip I could easily get a million dollars. (LMAO).
So anyways the movie was awesome it was not too short not too long and the angles and blowing shit up and the lack of unnecessary dialouge in order to make room for the blowing shit up and beating of random asses makes the movie that much better in my eyes :). Next movie I will be watching will be Last Chance Harvey and Underworld three :).
So my life...Well I went to visit a Kindergarten called the House of Dwarfs which is pretty awesome I mean they do yoga with the kids and they let the kids give them cues for when they are ready to do things they teach the kids both english and german I am very confident that I am making a good choice for Lucas. I am also way sad that I have another kid that is capable of spending at least four hours out of my care because he is being weaned off of the boobs.
Found out that my oldest is the kid in the class that is difficult.I was not liking to hear that but I need to know so I can fix the problem. I am not one of those moms that is going to say "my kid is not like that!" Because my kid is totally like that. lol Hopefully this tough love crap I am laying on him helps to adjust his attitude!. Well thats my thoughts and reviews for the day. Catch ya on the flipside!